Thursday, September 13, 2007

Steven Seagal invites fat girls to howl at his house

Tubby 90’s action hero, Steven Seagal has been spotted placing notices on store windows in Boise, Idaho, calling on fat girls to howl at his house.

The notice reads as follows:
Wanted: Big boned girls, aged 18 +, to gather outside the house of once famous action movie star. Ability to howl a bonus. No experience necessary. This is an unpaid position but may lead to further work. Telephone 555 ********.
Locals are confused by the cryptic notice.
We get a lot of guy’s around here wanting girls to howl at their house”, said one local resident, “but who the hell is this Steven Seagull character?”.

1 comment:

Ed & Jeanne said...

Those girls have been eating a whole lotta potatoes. Perhaps Seagal wants his Own Private Idaho!